Occasionally, we like to wear a "knot" that represents something that we have supported. For example, many scouters already wear the James E. West knot. In addition, I have created several other knots for that purpose.
The first is the Silver Falcon which I received for my contribution of $1,000 to the Mongolian Scout Association. The "knot" patch I receive was:
Mongolian Silver Falcon
Since this was not a BSA size "knot", I had it remade to a standard BSA size:
Silver Falcon
I am making this knot available to scouters for $2.50 and a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE). If you want the knot, please contact me from my contact page to let me know your interest.
I also have five additional "knot" patches for general use. They are $2.50 each plus a SASE. Please contact me from my contact page to let me know your interest. One I call my "Back to Gilwell" knot (I am a Wood Badge Staffer and a Gilwell Fellow), the second one I call the "World Scouting" knot (I do many international activities, I am a BP Fellow and before my council merged I was an International Representative), the third I call my Friends of Scouting Europe (FOSE) knot (I was a contingent leader for the 2012 Ukraine International Scout Jubilee and I have life Membership in FOSE), the fourth one is for building the "Scouts of Ecuador" (I have donated $1,000 to the Scouts Ecuador and attended the 2016 JamCam in Ecuador) and the fifth is the "Order of the Condor" (I have donated $1,000 to the Order of the Condor and attended the 1992 Columbus Jamboree and the 2020 JamCam both in Brazil). Since I do many international activities and support countries that really need support, I wanted to generated a fun but unofficial "knot" that you are welcome to use for anything that you would like to use it for. The money I make, I denote to other scout organizations. The "knots" look like:
Back to Gilwell |
World Scouting |
Scouts of Ecuador |
Order of the Condor |
- The acorn on the "Back to Gilwell" knot represents the oak tree at Gilwell that many special Wood Badge beads are made from. The background is the MacLaren tartan (Gilwell Fellows).
- The "World Scouting" knot has the traditional colors of the World Crest (worldscoutfoundation.org).
- The "FOSE" knot represents the colors and design of their logo (FOSE).
- The "Scouts of Ecuador" knot has a background of their flag and the blue and gold knot which are the colors of their scout emblem. The brown border represents the color of the border on the patch award Ecuador gives to you.
- For the "Order of the Condor" knot, I did my best to pick up as many colors in South American flags and added a purple border (iscoutfoundation.org/en/order-of-the-condor).
To reduce variation, I have kept design changes to a minimum. All of these "knots" are unofficial and not supported by any scout organization.
Official Oak Wood Badge beads can be purchase for the fowling links:
- 2 beads shop.scouts.org.uk/essentials/trophies-awards/gilwell-park-oak-wood-badge-2-beads-in-box
- 3 beads shop.scouts.org.uk/essentials/trophies-awards/gilwell-park-oak-wood-badge-3-beads-in-box
- 4 beads shop.scouts.org.uk/essentials/trophies-awards/gilwell-park-oak-wood-badge-4-beads-in-box
- Silver beads worldscoutingmuseum.org/beadsAg.shtml
These "knots" are not endorsed by either the Gilwell Fellowship, BP Fellowship, FOSE, Scouts of Ecuador or the Order of the Condor respectively but if you are a member or have contributed and want to wear the "knot", I will gladly give you one free for the cost of a SASE. Please contact me from my contact page to let me know.