Venturing Crew 7

We, the members of Venture Crew 7, in order to create a quality program for scouts involved in this Venturing Crew by living by the Venturing Oath and the rules of the Boy Scouts of America, establish this constitution.

Article I:  Name
The name of this organization is Venturing Crew 7 of the Old Baldy Council, Boy Scouts of America.

Article II:  Membership
Section 1:
  Membership is open to all boys and girls who are between the ages of 14 and 20 years old.
Section 2:  Prospective members shall not be disqualified due to race, color, creed, religion, or sex.
Section 3:  Members must follow the steps set forth by the National Boy Scouts of America and the local Old Baldy Council.
Section 4:  Members will be considered active if they have filled out the proper paperwork and paid the dues set forth by this constitution.

Article III:  Uniforms
Section 1:
  Class A uniforms are to be worn on super-activities while touring and traveling.  Class A uniforms consist of Green Shirt, Zip-off pants, leather belt, and boots.
Section 2:  Class B uniforms consist of Class B T-shirt and zip-off pants and are expected to be worn at all other non-super activity outings while in public or while traveling.  During the actual activity, civilian clothes may be worn.

Article IV:  Officers
Section 1:
  The available officer positions are:  Crew President, Administrative Vice President, Program Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 2:  A single term shall last no more than 12 months.  If one wishes to hold the position longer than the designated time, a re-election process must take place.
Section 3:  The duties of each officer are stated in the most recent edition of the Venturing Leader Manuel.

Article V:  Elections
Section 1:
  The current Crew President shall conduct the elections with the assistance from the Crew Advisor(s).
Section 2:  Any currently registered member of the crew can nominate a candidate for a position.  Candidates being nominated must also be currently registered in Crew 7.
Section 3:  At least one other member must second that nomination.
Section 4:  Every member must vote in a secret ballot for each position.
Section 5:  Votes will be decided upon a simple majority.  In the event that a candidate is running un-opposed, members must either vote to approve or not to approve the candidate for office.  If the candidate is not approved, a re-election may take place in attempt to reach majority.

Article VI:  Crew Business
Issues that are brought upon the crew shall be decided upon a consensus.  If, however, a compromise cannot be reached, a simple majority vote shall be held regarding the issue.

Article VII:  Meetings
Section 1:
  General Crew meetings shall be held on the second Sunday of every month.
Section 2:  Meetings are held from 3:00-5:00 pm.
Section 3:  The location of the meetings shall be at the Westmont United Methodist Church.

Article VIII:  Dues
Section 1:
  The only dues required is that set by national to register in the Venturing program.
Section 2:  There are no monthly dues.
Section 3:  Future dues are to be determined depending on the Crew's financial status.

Article IX:  Crew Financing
Section 1:
  Fund-raising shall financially benefit the individual, rather than the crew.
Section 2:  If needed, the crew may conduct Crew Fundraisers only if necessary and approved by a majority vote by the crew membership.

Article X:  Amendments
Section 1:
  Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing at least one week prior to discussion of the amendment at any regularly scheduled crew meeting.
Section 2:  Proposed amendments must be ratified by a 2/3 vote of the crew membership.

Article XI:  Ratification
The constitution shall be ratified when approved by a three-fourths vote of the crew membership.
