Good Luck Tokens
with no specific wording around the swastika

When searching, do a find on either a key word or the city.

For Good Luck fobs, go to fobs

Madame Hendren
Talking and Walking Doll

Reverse, Type L1

Reverse, Type L1

A variation in the one of the three "hieroglyphic" symbols

Madame Hendren Dolls
Everybody Loves Them

Reverse, Type R2
(24-25 mm)
top left leg corner
to 1st E in KEEP

Reverse, Type R2
(24-25 mm)
top left leg corner
to 2nd E in KEEP

Reverse, Type R2
(24-25 mm)
no hole

Madame Hendren
Talking and Walking Doll

Reverse, Type R2
(25 mm)
bottom left leg of swastika points to A

Reverse, Type R2
(25 mm)
bottom left leg of swastika points to N

Gold Medal Baby

Reverse, Type R2
(25 mm)
top left leg corner to 1st E in KEEP

Reverse, Type R2
(25 mm)
top left leg corner to 2nd E in KEEP

Lucky Star Mfg. Co.
Cincinnati, Ohio

Reverse, Type R2

Reverse, Type R2

Reverse, Type R2

Lucky Star Mfg. Co.
Cincinnati, Ohio

Reverse, Type R2

Reverse, Type R2

The Wonder
Kansas City, Mo.

Miles S. Cox

Doubleday, Page & Company
Wild Money

Reverse, Type R1
('Worry' type)
('Value' type)

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1

Jones Dry Goods Co.
Pittsburgh, Pa.

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1

The Peoples Loan and Trust Company
Rushville, Indiana

Indianapolis Star

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1

Willard Howe
Oil City

H. S. King
The Whitehead & Hoag Co.

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1

Bailey - Miller - Henderson
Wall Paper Co.

Saint Louis

Kokomo Trust Company

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1

Puritan Chemical Company
Atlanta, Ga.

Savings Bank

Reverse, Type R1
(26 mm)

Reverse, Type R1
(25 mm)

C. H. Schwartz

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type L1
Nickle plated steel


Reverse, Type R1
('Worry' type)
('Value' type)

Reverse, Type R9
('Worry' type)
('Value' type)

Whitehead & Hoag Co.

Whitehead & Hoag Co.
Butte, Montana

Reverse, Type R1
('Worry' type)

Reverse, Type R1
('Worry' type)

Patterson-Fletcher Co.
Fort Wayne, Ind.

Omar Wheat Cereal

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1

Buy a Home in Knoxville
Knoxville Borough

John P. Moore

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1

The Homesteaders
Des Moines, IA.

Reverse, Type L1
('Worry' type)

Reverse, Type L1
('Worry' type)

Gardner Hardware Co.
Gardner, Mass.

Walt's Bait Co.

Reverse, Type L1

Reverse, Type R9

Easy Wear Shoe Co.
Indianapolis, Ind.

Walter M. Jones

Reverse, Type R9
(29 mm)

Reverse, Type R9
White Metal

Ben J. Goldstein Inc.

Reverse, Type L1
(worth $1.00)

Reverse, Type L1
(worth $2.00)

Stern Clothing Co.
Garrett, Ind.

Victor Clothes Shop

Reverse, Type R5

Reverse, Type L1

Victor J. Conrad

Reverse, Type R1
(25 mm)

Reverse, Type R1
(25 mm)

Shuron Firmflex
Shock Absorbers

The Grill
Scranton, Pa.

Reverse, Type R10

Reverse, Type L1

Swann-Abram Hat Co.
Louisville, Ky.

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1
White metal

Tails you lose

Pittsburgh's Live Fruit
and Produce House
Free Brothers Company
Pittsburgh, Pa.

Isaac Benesch & Sons

Reverse, Type R1
('Other' type)

Reverse, Type R6

Lafferty-Walker Clothing Co.
Vuskogee, Okla.

Golden Jubilee
The Famous Braddock

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type L1

American Clothing Co.

Eagle Shoe & Clothing Co.
North Topeka, Kans.

Reverse, Type R2

Reverse, Type R2

The Surprise
New Bedford, Mass.

Reverse, Type L1

Reverse, Type R4

Hodshon Hat Co.

Ward Bros.

Reverse, Type R7

Reverse, Type R1

Orpheum Dance Palace

Reverse, Type R4

Reverse, Type R4


Reverse, Type L1
(28 mm)
('Value' type)

Reverse, Type L
(28 mm)

Reverse, Type L6
(26 mm)

Venhoff & Hillen Hats
Louisville, Ky.

Centennial Celebration
Pekin, Illinois

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1

Galena Tourist Company
Galena, Ill.

Dan A. Donahue
Lynn, Salem, Lawrence, Schenectady

Reverse, Type L1

Reverse, Type R1

Farmers Trust Company
Middletown, Pa.

Helvie & Sellers
Logansport, Ind.

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1

Jordans Style Shop
Rochester, N.Y.

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1

La Crosse, Wis.

Appleton, Wis.

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1

Quincy, Ill.

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1

Marshalltown, Iowa

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1

Mason City, Iowa

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1

Clinton, Iowa

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1

Ottumwa, Iowa

(maker: Amer Emb Co Utica NY)

(maker: The Whitehead & Hoag Co, Newark, N.J.)


Dubuque, Iowa

Lorain, Ohio

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1

Star Clo. Co.
Watertown. N.Y.

Star Clo. Co.
Kalamazoo, Mich.

Reverse, Type R1
('Value' type)

Reverse, Type R1

Star Clo. Co.
Flint, Mich.

Star Clo. Co.
Buffalo, N.Y.

Reverse, Type R1
('Value' type)

Reverse, Type R1
('Value' type)

Queen City Clothing Co.
Tonawanda. N.Y.

Queen City Clo. Co.
Jamestown, N.Y.

Reverse, Type R1
('Value' type)

Reverse, Type R1
('Value' type)

Queen City Clo. Co.
Lockport, N.Y.

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1

Queen City Clo. Co.
Niagara Falls, N.Y.

Reverse, Type R1
('Other' type)

Reverse, Type R1
('Other' type)

Reverse, Type R1
('Other' type)

Peoples Clo. Co.
Akron, Ohio

Peoples Clo. Co.
Wilmington, Del.

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1

Union Clo. Co.
Auburn, N.Y.

Reverse, Type R1
('Value' type)

Reverse, Type R1
('Value' type)

Union Clo. Co.
Pittsburgh, Pa.

Union Clothing Co.
Auburn, N.Y.

Reverse, Type R1
('Value' type)

Reverse, Type R1
('Value' type)

Union Clo. Co.
East Liverpool, Ohio

Reverse, Type R1
('Value' type)

Reverse, Type R1
('Value' type)

The Boston Store

New Phoenix Clothing Co.
Muskogee, Okla.

Reverse, Type R1
('Worry' type)

Reverse, Type R1

Lewistown Brewery Saloon
Harlowton, Montana

The Rex
Davis & Montgromery
Butte (Montana)

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1

Talbot Seeley Co.
Taunton & Newport

Talbots Inc.

Reverse, Type L1

Reverse, Type L1

Talbot Clothing Store
Nashua, N.H.

Reverse, Type L1

Reverse, Type L1

People's Outfitting Company

Freeman's Radio Shop

Reverse, Type L1

Reverse, Type R2

Fletcher Avenue Saving
and Loan Association

William H. Ruos

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type L2
(28 mm)

Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1
White metal

Alfred F. Steiner, Inc

Morris Plan Thrift Accounts

Reverse, Type R2

Reverse, Type R4

Dundee Tailored Clothes

William H. Rugs
Wanamaker & Brown

Reverse, Type L1

Reverse, Type L2

J. H. Hirsch & Co.

Good Luck Symbols - 1916
('Worry' type)

Good Luck Symbols - 1916
('Worry' type)

J. H. Hirsch & Co.

A. G. Meyer & Co.

Good Luck Symbols - 1919
('Worry' type>)

Good Luck Symbols - 1922
('Worry' type)

Good Luck Symbols - 1931

W. E. Steffey Jeweler
Altoona, Pa.

Hardware Dealers Magazine
New York

Reverse, Type R6

Reverse, Type L1
('Value' type)


United Clothing Co.
Boston, Mass.

Reverse, Type R2

Reverse, Type R4

Brill Brothers

Reverse, Type R1
white metal

Reverse, Type R1
Silver on Bronze

Brill Brothers

Reverse, Type R7

Reverse, Good Luck

Brill Brothers

Reverse, Type R1
white metal

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Victory
white metal

Allentown, PA

Reverse, Type R6

Reverse, Type R6

Deutch's Clothing

Reverse, Type L1

Reverse, Type R6

Reverse, Type L1

Gin Fizz Heads
R. D. Averitt

Indianapolis Real Estate Board

Reverse, Type L1

Reverse, Type R1

The Echo
Sandusky, Ohio

In Hoc Signo Vinces

Reverse, Type L1

Reverse, Type R1
White metal

Thos. Sandham, Clothier
Bellevue, O.

RIV Bearings

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1
29 mm (silver plated)

Dluge & Co.
Shamokin, Pa.

Dluge & Co.
Tom Owens Toggery Shop

Mt. Carmel, Pa.

Reverse, Type R2

Reverse, Type R2

Black & White Cab Co.

Reverse, Type R4
('Worry' type)

Reverse, Type R4
('Worry' type)

Abraham Lincoln
Kraus & Co.
Wheeling, W. Va.

Abraham Lincoln
Union Savings Bank
Davenport, Iowa

Reverse, Type L1

Reverse, Type R1

Abraham Lincoln
Jefferson County Building & Loan Association
Birmingham, Ala.

Reverse, Type L1

Reverse, Type L1
White metal

Jefferson County Building
& Loan Association

Birmingham, Ala.

Miller Clothing Company

Reverse, Type L1

Reverse, Type R2

Labor Omnia Vincit

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R8

Prince Tires

Prince Tires
New York

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R1


The Wm. R. Hogg Co.
Asbury Park, N.J.

Reverse, Type L1

Reverse, Type R4

Bill Dunning
P-C Stamp Works

Reverse, Type L1
Aluminum (30 mm)

Reverse, Type L1
Aluminum (30 mm)

Prof. K. Magnus
A Counsellor of Nations

Reverse, Type R2
(26 mm)

Reverse, Type R2
(26 mm)
white metal

Sam'l S. Rosendorf
Richmond, Va.

Wharton & Northern R.R. Co.
Wharton, N.J.

Reverse, Type L1

Reverse, Type R2

Singers Clothing Store
Ephrata, Pa.

(Singers Store)
Ephrata, Pa.

Reverse, Type R2

Reverse, Type R2

Eugene Willard Montgomery
Galena, Ill.

Bowie & Taylor
Wash., D.C.

Reverse, Type L1

Reverse, Type L1

Tom Sawyer Washwear

Liberty Promoting Co.

Reverse, Type R1
(26 mm)

Reverse, Type R5
(25 mm)

Merkel Optical Co.
New York

Pushin's Fashion Shop
Richmond, Ky.

Reverse, Type R2

Reverse, Type R1

H. D. Freaman & Co.
Dover, N.H.

Pacific Mail Co.
New York

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type L1

Myron Warner
for Sheriff
Stanislaus County

Fred R. Howe
for Mayor
Santa Cruz

Reverse, Type L2
Aluminum (34 mm)

Reverse, Type L2
Aluminum (35 mm)

Wm H. Riecks
for Sheriff

Reverse, Type L2
Aluminum (35 mm)

Reverse, Type L2
(35 mm)

Brockway Real Estate Co.
Billings, Mont.

Hess Dickman
(St. Louis, Mo.)

Reverse, Type L1

Reverse, Type R2

Sunny Brook
The Pure Food Whiskey

I Am Healthy
I Am Lucky

Reverse, Type L3

Reverse, Type R5
from Gabe Smith

Clifton Boat Club

N. Stafford Co.
New York

Reverse, Type L1

Reverse, Type L1


Neely's Cupboard
Waterloo, Iowa

Reverse, Type R6

Reverse, Type R1
Aluminum (31mm)

Dietch's Clothing on Credit
Topbana, Kansas

Gunst Costume Co.
S. F. Fromm


Reverse, Type R6

Reverse, Type R1

Harris & Frank
Boys' Clothes

D. & D. Cleaners

Reverse, Type R5

Reverse, Type R1

Kalispell Malting
& Brewing Co.

Kalispell, Mont.

F. S. Bond & Co. Clothes Shop
Erie, Pa.

Reverse, Type R1
('Worry' type attachment)

Reverse, Type R1

Cedar Bluff Auto Co.

Allentown, Pa.

Guttridge & Rand Tailors
Canton, Ohio

Reverse, Type L1

Reverse, Type R1

Casey Safe Deposit Vault Co.

Reverse, Type R1
Aluminum ('Other' type)

Reverse, Type R1
Aluminum ('Other' type)

Williamsport Wire Rope Co.
Williamsport, Pa.

Jack Handy
Lynchburg, Va.

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R4

1860 Golden Jubelee 1910

Utica, N.Y.


Reverse, Type L1

Reverse, Type R1
white medal

John Smigler
Bronx, N,.Y.

St. Procop's Social Club

Reverse, Type R5
('Worry' type)

Reverse, Type R4

Mona Cafe

Reverse, Type L1
1st Annual Victoria Carnival

Reverse, Swastika
1st Annual Victoria Carnival

Staples & Son

The Capital Loan Co.
Baltimore, Md.

Reverse, Type L1

Reverse, Type R1
White metal

Crawford & Zimmerman
Clothing, Hats & Furnishings

Flint, Mich.

H. K. Bush & Son
Hesperia, Mich.

Reverse, Type L1
('Worry' type)

Reverse, Type R5

6th Annual Outing
Union Supply Company
Oakford Park

Reverse, Type R1
Silver plated

Reverse, Type R1

Stetson Clothing Co.
Boston, Mass.

Frank M. Low & Co.
Men's Clothing Department
Portland, Me.

Reverse, Type R2

Reverse, Type L1

Alfred F. Steiner, Inc

T. J. Underwood
for Sheriff

Reverse, Type R2

Reverse, Type R1

St. Louis

C. R. Shuff
"Trix & Howe"

Reverse, Type R1

Reverse, Type R4

Walker Indian Co.

Pompeian Mfg. Co.
Williamsport, PA.

Reverse, Type R1
from Bob Moffatt

Reverse, Type L1

Huston's Scout Club

Reverse, Type L2
(34 mm)

I'm for

rotated R1
(34 mm wide)

pin missing

White metal
from Brandy Schueler

I am for

rotated R1
(34 mm wide)


Supreme Court Juror

Johnston Brokerage Co.
Pittsburgh, PA.

Reverse, Type R1
(38 mm)

Reverse, Type R1
(38 mm)

Free Brothers Co.
Pittsburgh, Pa.

Nat. Bank of Syracuse

Reverse, Type R1
(38 mm) white metal
('Other' type)

Reverse, Type R1
(38 mm)

Steuben Brew
Steuben Brewing Co.
Steubenville, O.

(38 mm)

Reverse, Type R1

Supreme Royal Circle of Friends

Reverse, Type R1
(39 mm)
Silver plated

Reverse, Type R1
(39 mm)

Minute Men of St. Louis

(44 mm)

Reverse, Type R4

Minute Men of 1932

(45 mm)

Reverse, Type R4

Smith's Copper Cemente

Reverse, Good Luck
(31 mm)
Larger swastika

Reverse, Good Luck
(31 mm)
Smaller swastika

Horse Shoe Gardens
Bellevue, Ky.

Cemroc Brick
Plainville, Ohio

Reverse, Good Luck Token

Reverse, Good Luck Token

Armstrong Chapel


Reverse, Good Luck Token

Reverse, Good Luck Token

Casey Safe Deposit Vault Co.

The L-M Stationery Co.

Reverse, All the Good Luck in the World
(35 mm)('Other' type)

Reverse, All the Good Luck in the World
(35 mm)

Large Packing Houses
Kansas City

Cycle & Motor Co.
Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver

All the Good Luck in the World

All the Good Luck in the World

Stanton Bros. & Tett

J. W.Gleason

All the Good Luck in the World

All the Good Luck in the World

Jack Lannon

Blue Grass Council

All the Good Luck in the World

Blue Grass Council No.89 Wishes You Good Luck

Farmers Store
Unionville, Mo.


All the Good Luck in the World

All the Good Luck in the World

Fred Wilke
Monee, Ills.

All the Good Luck in the World

Gold Dollar Bar
F. Bielman, Prop.
Detroit, Mich.

Gold Dollar Buffet
F. Bielman, Prop.
Detroit, Mich.

Reverse, Swastika
('worry' type)

Reverse, Swastika

S. M. Myers & Co.
Lancaster, Pa.

Reverse, Swastika

Reverse, Swastika

The Sand Man

St. Petersburg, Fla.

Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co.
Youngstown, O.

Reverse, Swastika
('worry' type)

Reverse, Swastika

The Watrous Varnish Co.

Rocky Mountain News

Reverse, Swastika

Reverse, Swastika

Berghoff Café

Pros't Braü Cafe
Detroit, Mich.

Reverse, Swastika
('worry' type)

Reverse, Swastika

Jos. M. Fletcher

Los Angeles

Wm. C. Gabriel
Kopptiz-Melchers Brew. Co.

Reverse, Swastika
('worry' type)

Reverse, Swastika

H. B. Hardenburg & Co.
New York

Paul Dudley
Porto-Vana Cigar Co.
Reading, Pa.

Reverse, Swastika
('worry' type)

Reverse, Swastika

Jos. Zilligen Buffet
Chicago, Ill.

Lovell & Covel

Reverse, Swastika

Reverse, Swastika

Norris Laundry
Norristown, Pa.

Wauchula Development Company
Wauchula, Fla.

Reverse, Swastika

Reverse, Swastika

Fred Heinl's Flowers
Terre Haute, Ind.

The New Arbor Hotel
George Aacker, Prop.

Binghamton, N.Y.

Reverse, Swastika

Reverse, Swastika

Schwaab Stamp & Seal Co.
Milwaukee, Wis.

Lititz Bretzel Co.

Lititz, Pa.

Reverse, Swastika
('worry' type)

Reverse, Swastika

Barnes Commercial School
Denver, Colorado

Fleischman's Baths

Reverse, Swastika

Reverse, Swastika

Golden Lion Tavern
San Diego

Judge Durand Cigar
Flint, Mich.

Reverse, Swastika
('worry' type)

Reverse, Swastika

Crowell & Gifford
Hardware and Furniture
Port Arthur, Texas

The Litchferd House
Columbus, Ohio

Reverse, Swastika

Reverse, Swastika

Rockford, Illinois

The General Fire-Proofing Co.
Youngstown, O.

Reverse, Swastika

Reverse, Swastika

First Methodist Church
So. Omaha, Nebr.

Wm. F. Wagenseil

St. Clair County

Reverse, Swastika

Reverse, Swastika

National Fruit Products Co.
Boston, Mass.

Wadhams Oil Company
Milwaukee, Wis.

Reverse, Swastika

Reverse, Swastika


Valley Iron Works
Williamsport, Pa.

Reverse, Swastika
('worry' type)

Reverse, Swastika

Propeller Club

Wood and Jones
"The Clever Outfitters"

Reverse, Swastika

Reverse, Swastika