Venturing Uniform
Scouter Jim Ganley shares the secret to a successful Venturing Crew This was a Scouting magazine article from 2015. (Notice that Jim is wearing "Venturing" square knots that he obtained from me.)
This page shows the Venturing uniform with private issue Venturing patches. The private issue patches are not available from any BSA store. The ones that you can see are the square knots (with Venturing green backgrounds), the "Trained" patch and the ESPAŅOL patch.
Click on any of the small images to get a larger image displayed to the right of the small images.
If you have questions, you can contact Craig Murray at
R Sleeve |
L Sleeve |
R Pocket |
L Pocket - Normal Wear |
L Pocket - Formal Occasions Up to 5 medals can be worn. |